30 11月 2011



今天是 Day12. 請繼續不斷為Brian禱告.
近日來他的喉腫痛難以吞嚥,所幸這孩子毅力堅強. 他不斷地要求自己要吃. 所以他的體力精神都還不錯。

上周他的胸圍處開始出現紅疹, 不痛也不癢. Dr. Chris 一直在觀察. 直到昨天 輪到另一主治醫師 Dr. Sha.她說這是成人水痘. 通常在免疫系統低落時會出現. 他們有特定藥物來治療它。

Mark 近日來照顧兒子. 精神體力都耗費頗多. 日昨他的左眼白突然出現有微血管破的紅塊現象. 現已好些。

1. Brian 的免疫系統快快強壯起來, 免受任何感染. 不發燒。

2. 他的皮膚紅疹儘快復原. 求神保守他的皮膚不再被這類病毒侵入。

3. 喉嚨 口腔都能儘快復原. 回復健康正常進食。

4. 保守他的 肝維持健康狀態, 不因諸多藥物而有任何干擾.
也保護他全身各器官, 心肺脾腎都健壯。

5. 健康的骨髓儘快長出來. 造血扺抗力恢復。

6. 保守Mark 和我們全家健康。

禱告祈求奉 基督耶穌得勝的名, 阿門!
God bless us all,

Mark, Anita, Brian & Vivian

27 11月 2011

Brian Liu需要緊急迫切代禱

感謝各位一路來的陪伴和疼惜. 值此感恩的季節, 在此獻上無限感恩.

今天是骨髓移植後第九天. 這週來他的自我造血和抵抗力已是0. 幾次不舒服的症狀偶有出現如嘔吐和血壓上升等。
 (血小板幾乎每天輸一或兩袋. 三天輸血一次. 今天又得輸兩袋血).。
他的喉嚨吞嚥會疼痛. 口水和痰分泌很多. 得不斷吐痰. 進食有些緩慢與困難. Mark說他這兩晚都沒好睡, 得每半個鐘頭幫他, 昨晩至今 痰已多到要用機器幫忙抽痰才清得乾淨.

1、請繼續不斷為Brian 禱告. 求 神保守這些不適的症狀減輕. 讓他能盡快恢復平日輕鬆的進食習慣。
2、也求 神繼續保守Brian每個器官尤其是肝臟 維持健康 不受感染.
3、求主給這些醫護人員更多智慧來幫助Brian 軽鬆渡過這段 等待新骨髓生長的非常時期.。
據說每個孩子的狀況不同, 但平均大概2到4 個星期會才看到新的骨髓開始工作. 通常要六到八週, 也有護士說要到兩個月才穩定可出院. 沒人說個準. 但 上帝知道, 祂有最好的計劃和時間表.

4、請再更用力地以禱告來托住Brian, 讓他有更強壯的體力、毅力、和靈力來為主得勝. 且得勝有餘.

(正當我要寄這email 時, Brian 開始發抖, 體溫上升. 醫生說這看似是輸血後的反應. 但為安全起見仍須給抗生素並抽血去化驗. 請用力禱告不發燒. 無感染.)

禱告祈求奉 基督耶穌得勝的名, 阿門!
God bless us all,

Mark, Anita, Brian & Vivian

21 11月 2011

繼續為Brian LiU 感恩與代禱


Dear all,

Today is Day4. Brian is doing well. Thanks God. He still eats a lot even the menu for him is low bacteria diet( many dairy produces and fresh fruits are not allowed, only can fruit and can soup are available. Some hot entrees to choose, but still have many option).

His blood report today showed 0 on his bands and monos. That means his own system won't produce new blood cell anymore. That's what they expect. Good. Another good news is the CMV (kind of virus) number is 0 too. That means the medicine they treated it earlier worked well. Praise Lord!
Since his platelet is too low at 26, they gave him a bag of platelet transfusion today after uncle Jonathan & auntie Maria visit at noon. They gave him 3 pre-med including benadryl. So he fall asleep before they left. After he slept for hour or 2, he felt hungry again. Uncle Jonathan congratulated his " new life and said we should give him middle name -- " Amazing", and give Vivian's middle name -- "Grace". It is really "Amazing Grace" for them and for us too...............

Please keep praying for Brian's new Bone Marrow to grow soon and No complication, No infection.
Pray for him to stay healthy with good appetite in both Spiritul food and real food from God.

Thank you for all of you who are waiting to donate. It's the time now.
Platelet donation is needed. B+ Platelet will be the best. Any blood type of platelet is OK too.
B+ blood is also needed (it's good for 30 days). Please note they will use the blood to other patient if Brian doesn't use before expiration date. It will benefit other kids too.
 Thanks for your love.
Please contact our church( VOH) office manager Sophia Chau at 909.594.9010/ smallchau424@gmail.com to arrange the best time for you to come. For the platelet is good for 5 days only, better to have 1 platelet each everyday or every other day to get ready for him to use anytime his count it low. He may need it from now on for many in few weeks.
Call CHLA blood donate center at 323-361-2370 or 323-361-2441 George or staff. ( You must be healthy to donate. If you are still have cold symptom or anything else, you won't able to do it. Please also remember to mention that you are direct donor to Brian Liu, see attachment and some info below.) Thank you so much.

God bless us all,

Mark, Anita, Brian & Vivian

19 11月 2011



Dear families and friends,

Today is Day1 of Brian's new life.
Everything is doing fine. We whole family (4of us) all wake up at the same place ( just in dfferent rooms, 2 doors different). Praise God! Brian is good today. Vivian is better today too. The poking places on her hip bone are still sore but it's much better than yesterday. We all have a good rest day today. They discharged Vivian at 4:00pm. She will rest few days for recovering before she go back to normal school life. She is happy that she can skip the PE class for a week for doctor said she can't have contact sports and no rough play for 1 week.
Please pray for Vivian's bone marrow harvest sites to heal soon. And the sore pain can go away soon too.

Please keep praying hard for Brian. Now the new healthy bone marrow is in his body to find good places to
produce more new cells. Pray for no complication. Everything is smooth and successful.

17 11月 2011


照片右側由後往前3個,就是Andy, Jenny和兒子一家人。



16 11月 2011




3、從Vivian身體做移植的準備工作需進行約2個鐘頭,從9:00AM - 11:00AM,這段時間請大家同心禱告讓這移植的操作,一切順利、安全、成功。


慈愛的天父!我們感謝讚美祢!我們知道祢是以馬內利的神,是耶和華拉法的神!祢必要庇護Brian,親自醫治Brian並保守Vivian十分的平安,我們將要見到祢行神蹟奇事在Brian身上,Mark Liu全家和教會要向世人,見證祢的榮耀,並歸榮耀予祢!禱告感謝奉主耶穌基督寶貴聖名求。阿們!

15 11月 2011

為Brian Liu目前的需要代禱

Dear all:平安!

Today is Day-2. 2 more days to transplant.
This noon 12:00pm. is the last dose of chemo.
Please pray harde for Brian. Let the chemo only do the job it need.
May God protects all his organ without side effect.
He ate some last night and now.
 Keep praying during your lunch today.

14 11月 2011





1、Brian Liu 11/9已開始住院,預備作骨髓移植手術前的準備和觀察。目前急需A型血型的捐血,請速與Sophia連絡。



09 11月 2011


Dear all:

Thank you for our prayer. We check in CHLA yesterday. Everything is going well.
CHLA BMT unit is very nice and cosiderate. They assigned a quiet, private room for Brian.
(Normally the room is one entrance door to 2 seperate room. There might have a baby or toddler next door.
Thanks God! He won't be irratated by noise, though.)

The chemo will start tomorrow early in the morning 4:00am. for 6 days.
1、Please pray for the successful and smooth process for this chemo without side effect, without infection.
2、May God keep protecting Brian's all organ especially his liver in good function.
3、Let the chemo drug only depresses the system what it needs to prepare for transplant.

URGENT need A or O type blood for Vivian...........The harvest day is 11/17 next Thursday. 

We need blood for Vivian after that procedure.If you are blood type A+ (the best), A-,O+,O-. Please call me to let me know. Or call SophiaVOH 909-594-9010.
The blood will take few days to process and test. So, please arrange the time this week by Saturday.
Call CHLA blood donor center 323-361-2441 or George (our acc. coordinator) at 323-361-2370 to an appointment soon. (Thursday 8am. to 12pm. Fri.8am. to 4pm., Sat. 8am. to 12, call first).

It will be very great if Vivian knows that's your blood. Appreciate.
You must be healthy to donate the blood. Get a meal before you go to donate it.

Please pray for Vivain with good health to donate the bone marrow. And the procedure will go smoothly for her.
Thanks God to make her as a hero to her brother. How great to have life so meaningful!
Thanks God for giving my daughter brave and generous heart.
We all are strong and courageous in Christ.
Thanks for your support and prayer.

God bless us all,

Mark, Anita, Brian & Vivian

08 11月 2011



The lab for his liver ALK is better 184 yesterday. It was closed to their acceptable range.
They might think of start BMT soon.

But one thing, it's kind of side track before BMT.
There is a bump on Brian's right thigh. It might caused by hitting the sink accidentally at 2 weeks ago in the hospital.
Since there is no bruise color and the small size 12x11x7 mm.,it is difficult to evaluate by MRI.
For not being worried about it, they decided to do a little surgery and biopsy to find out what it is.
The time is Monday 1:00pm.
Please pray for the procedure safe and successful. And the result will be nothing wrong with it.
Also please keep praying for God's protection on Brian's liver. Let the ALT goes down to normal range soon.

04 11月 2011


求神保守讓Brian 11/4早晨的抽血檢查和健康狀況都能達到標準,以便進入骨髓移植的醫療程序。
Dear Families and Friends,

We know you all are waiting for further notice about BMT (Bone Marrow Transplant) date. We are too.
Please keep praying harder for Brian needs to get his blood test again tomorrow (11/4) morning.
The liver enzyme ALT was going down but not low enough.
It was from 282 (last Wednesday) to 241(last Friday) to 219( this Tuesday).
Pray for it is lower to a good range to get ready for next step--- BMT.
It is very important to have good function of liver to tolerate the beginning of BMT.
The procedure of BMT is first 6 days of chemo drug ( very strong), then rest 1 day.--- In this period, the immune system will be totally wiped out.
Then the Harvest day is on 8th day ( they call day 0), it is the bone marrow transplant date. It is the day Vivian donates her Bone marrow to Brian. Please pray for Vivian to stay the best heath condition before the procedure and even after. Because we all need to stay healthy to take care or even visit Brian.

For Vivain's part, it takes few hours only. She will recover overnight.
For Brian, they said it normally takes 2 to 4 weeks for the receiver to grow his own new bone marrow. The medical team will watch him very carefully for a long time. Please pray the best for Brian to go through all of this smoothly and successfully.
The BMT room is an isolation room to protect the patient. No visitors allow except those 6 Brian chooses in advance.
We need to wear mask all the time in that room. Only patient can eat and use the bathroom.
Good thing is one parent can stay overnight in the room ( this is changed after they moved to the new building on July.)
Please also pray for Mark and I will have good arrangement in between our 2 kids' daily life. They both are our presious babies and we love them the same. We used to left out our daughter for a long time while Brian was in a very critical time and unpredicted situation last year ( Thanks Maria & Jonathan, Sabrina, JuJu & Joe, Helen & Ching took good care of Vivian to share our load. Also Paul & Ruth and many of you in VOH and everywhere pray and help us).
Please pray for God's mercy and grace to let 4 of us can walk together to go through this whole process and be more than conquerors again.
Let the family unity and bounding love support each other and glorify God's name.
We are strong and courageous. We have strong faith in the Lord, it never changes.
Luke 1:37 For nothing is impossible with God.
In Jesus' Holy name, we pray. Amen!

God bless us all,

Mark, Anita, Brian & Vivian

01 11月 2011


1、感謝主保守Billy & Cathy搬家過程順利、平安。




6、區長Cathy 的舊房子推出準備售出,求神為他們尋得好東家,並且能以合理優渥的價錢售出。神的眼目察遍全地必要為他們尋得好東家。阿們!